25 Dec NC – Modder River and Kimberly area Monuments

Boer War blockhouse on the Modder River
The Kimberly area has many monuments commemorating the relief of the siege of Kimberley and as a centre for flight training, thanks to its level terrain and clear weather.
Amongst the images here are those commemorating the battle of Modder River where Lord Methven’s forces were opposing the Boer forces, on the Modder River, under the command of Piet Cronje and Koos De La Rey. The British Army eventually drove off the well defended Boers after heavy losses on both sides. One of the lead attacking Regiments was the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry who fought a fierce battle on 28 November 1899.
Other images are of the MOTHS monument and the monument , 1994,commemorationg the activities of the SAAF and the Impala Jet Squadrons.